We all know it, natural doesn’t always mean better. Though this might be true, Marseille Soap does not have to prove its efficiency, it already has. As you’re about to find out, Marseille Soap is actually quite popular in the medical field. Keeping it in your first aid kit can come in quite handy as it possesses healing / astringent properties and is hypoallergenic, suitable for your entire family of all skin types.
Fun Fact: Until the middle of the XXth Century, surgeons used Marseille Soap to wash and disinfect their hands before each operation.
Clean light cuts, wounds & grazes
This is perfect if you don’t like to use saline water or you find that it is too drying. Not only does Marseille Soap properly disinfect, it also promotes healing of the skin.
How to: Rub a clean, damp cloth on your Marseille soap until it lathers up nicely. Be generous with the lather to prevent friction on the skin. Carefully clean the wound and rinse. Pat the area around the wound dry, letting the wound itself air dry. Cover with bandage only if the wound will be exposed to dust and dirt.

Soothe 1st degree burns & sunburns
Light burns on the skin can feel really uncomfortable. Although applying ice might be an intuitive reaction and temporarily relieve the discomfort, avoid this as it can further damage skin tissue.
How to: Start by running a light stream of cold water (not ice cold) on the burn. Next you can gently apply Marseille soap on the area as the water is still running. Either directly rub the soap on the burn (being careful of friction) or you can first lather the soap on your hand to then gently apply. The severity of the burn will determine how long you need to be running the skin under cold water, some people need up to 20 minutes.. Pat or air dry. Apply 100% aloe vera gel if needed (To keep in mind if you don’t own an aloe vera plant: most aloe vera gels claiming to be 100% are misleading, turn the product around to read the ingredients list and look out for added alcohols, perfumes or other irritants)

Skin irritations
Marseille Soap soothes irritations and itchy skin.
How to: *Insect bites (mosquitoes even chigger or aouta)→ Rub a damp corner of your Marseille soap on all itchy areas and bites, let it sit for a minute or two then rinse.
*Diaper rash can be a real nuisance but this soap is a favorite in many households—> 2 things you can do: First you can replace your current baby shower gel with Marseille Soap. You should also use Marseille Soap to do your baby’s laundry (learn how to)
*Eczema, psoriasis.. → if you deal with these skin conditions or just sensitive skin all around, using Marseille Soap in your skincare could be a great idea. Choose Rampal Latour Marseille Soap for extra soft and supple skin thanks to its glycerin content.
Important: In no way is Marseille Soap a medical alternative to serious allergic reactions nor is it a treatment for eczema or any other skin condition.

Relieve cramps and rheumatisms
This trick was taught by many grandmothers in Marseille to the younger generation. Being high in potassium, Marseille Soap works wonders to relieve cramps as this phenomenon results from a lack of intracellular potassium.
How to: *Night cramps→ Place Marseille Soap in a fabric pouch (make sure it’s a breathable material) then slip it under your sheets at the bottom of your bed.
*Treating cramps & rheumatisms→ Rub a damp corner of Marseille Soap on the area until the pain is relieved.
Important: Marseille Soap relieves these discomforts. If you suffer from severe pain or chronic cramps and rheumatisms, consult a doctor.

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